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Age Restrictions & ID Requirements
You're never too old for a piercing, but you can be too young!

All piercers use different insurance companies, we all have different policies and strict age
restrictions that we must follow...

For lobes and helix piercings:
clients aged 8 to 15 years old will need ONE parent or legal guardian with them for consent. Both the child and parent/legal guardian will need ID with them too. For the child, an in date passport is preferred but I can accept a birth certificate if they do not have one. The parent will need an in date, physical form of ID (passport, driving/provisional licence or an citizenship passcard). Legal guardians will need to bring the above ID and legal documentation proving the guardianship of the child. No other adult may sign for them, not even other family members. Failure to provide the correct ID will result in the cancellation of your appointment and the loss of your deposit.

For ALL clients aged 16 and over: 
a form of ID will be required (passport, driving/provisional licence or a citizenship passcard). I CANNOT accept photo copies of these, they MUST be the physical copy.

Everyone needs to provide ID, failure to provide the correct ID when asked will result in the cancellation of your appointment and the loss of your deposit. Parental consent is strictly for clients aged 15 and under, not anyone aged 16+.

These rules are in place for safety reasons and they are NON-NEGOTIOABLE. 

Lobe                                 8+

Helix                                 14+
All other ear piercings       16+
Nose                               16+

Eyebrow                           18+

Lip                                   18+
Nipple                             18+

© 2024 Piercings by Rosie

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